We are delighted that the Children’s Tumor Foundation’s 2009 NF Conference Report: What’s New in Neurofibromatosis? has been accepted for publication in the American Journal of Medical Genetics. The paper includes neurofibromatosis highlights presented at the Conference, spanning from basic research to clinical care and clinical trials, and should appear in AJMG in the next couple of months. This is the first time in a number of years that the NF Conference meeting report has been published in a professional journal. The paper is authored by the session chairs from the 2009 NF Conference, spearheaded by 2009 NF Conference Chairs Dr. Kathryn North (Children’s Hospital at Westmead, University of Sydney) and Dr. Joseph Kissil (The Wistar Institute).
For over 20 years the Foundation has convened the premier annual conference for the professional neurofibromatosis community. The 2009 NF Conference was held in Portland, OR June 13-16 and attracted a record number of close to 300 attendees. The 2010 NF Conference will be held in Baltimore, MD June 5-8. For more information: http://ctf.org/For-Scientists/nf-conference.html