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Stories of NF: Andrea M

By November 30, 2023December 27th, 2023Awareness, NF1, Story of NF

I got diagnosed (with NF1) at four months old. Doctors were telling my mom that I was okay but my mom knew that I needed an extra opinion. So, my mom did research, and diagnosed me herself and took me to the doctor and told them and then finally I got diagnosed at four months right after that. I had an MRI found out that I had a brain tumor and when I turned one I had a full cranial surgery and was in the hospital for a while.

When I was younger, it affected me more because I was not allowed to participate in sports, but now I don’t let it stop me. Sometimes it’s hard to get up in the morning because of the pain. But it does not stop me from living my life.

One defining moment for me when I was 12 and I met a younger girl with an NF, it was the first time I met someone with the same medical condition as me, it made not feel alone and it helped me be more comfortable. My dream is to work in a retirement home or just to help people. Helping people makes me happy.

Favorite Song
Efecto – Bad Bunny

Dream Superpower
Teleportation. Just imagine with a snap of your fingers you could be anywhere in the world

Favorite Food

Fun Fact
A fun fact about me is I can say the states in alphabetical order