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Hope for the Holidays

By November 22, 2013December 5th, 2023Awareness

This Holiday Season, give hope to the millions worldwide who live with neurofibromatosis.

Because of donors like you, the Children’s Tumor Foundation has been able to lead research in the last five years that has helped increase clinical trials from four in 2005 to more than 30 nationwide today. In addition, there are now 44 NF Clinics across the country; there are quality online resources for newly diagnosed patients; and there are more NF Walks, symposia, and other patient support opportunities than ever before.

For Dr. Kristina Rath, the opportunity to support this work comes by running with our NF Endurance Team in honor of her six-year old daughter and NF Hero Jane, who was diagnosed with NF when she was six months old.

A physician herself, Kristina felt helpless due to the lack of treatments. Jane has a facial tumor and is paralyzed on one side. Her tumor is invasive, and even with surgery it cannot be removed entirely. With help from your donations, Jane is now part of a clinical trial run by Indiana University to test Gleevec for treatment.

Jane is a happy and eager first grader, but Kristina fears the future challenges she will face, both medically and socially. “When I picked Jane up after the first day of school, an older boy asked me (and Jane), ‘What’s wrong with her cheek?’ Jane immediately answered, ‘That’s the way it grew!’ The boy innocently persisted, ‘But why did it grow that way?’ I confess I wasn’t prepared! I tell adults about NF, but wasn’t sure how to tell a child, especially with Jane present. I said, ‘Well, she has a condition that made her cheek grow that way.’ He accepted this answer, and said, ‘That’s too bad.'”

We can change that. Please join Dr. Rath in helping the Foundation continue to fight NF by clicking the “Donate” button below. Also, please include “EOY13Hope” in the comments area of the donation page so that we can properly acknowledge your gift.

Thank you and Happy Holidays!