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Marco Nievo, PhD Appointed Chief Scientific Officer of CTF Europe

The Children’s Tumor Foundation Europe is proud to announce the appointment of Marco Nievo, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer of CTF Europe. Based in Italy and a European at heart, Dr. Nievo has been with the Children’s Tumor Foundation for nine years, working primarily on legal and IP-related matters, compound scouting, and relations with industry. He was involved in the inception of CTF Europe, focusing mostly on the creation of the Clinical Advisory Board of CTF Europe.

Dr. Nievo comes to the role with a long history of cross-sector experience. After obtaining his PhD in Biological Chemistry at Imperial College London, Dr. Nievo spent 8 years in the pharmaceutical industry in roles related to intellectual property issues, during which time he qualified as a European patent attorney. Since 2012, he has worked in the intellectual property field in the life sciences, serving both the for-profit and nonprofit sectors.

In this newly established role at CTF Europe, and in support of CTF Europe’s mission, Nievo’s initial focus will be on the consolidation of European clinic networks , the expansion of the NF Registry in Europe, advocacy before EU institutions, and fostering trans-european as well as transatlantic collaborations.