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Stories of NF: AJ Z.

By June 26, 2017February 5th, 2024NF1, Story of NF

AJ was diagnosed with NF1 when he was just 6 months old. Having NF means that AJ has to try harder to do things that most kids might think are super easy. It does not stop him though. AJ is a thinker and a do-er. If he can’t do something one way, he’ll keep trying until he figures out a way that he can. AJ thinks that the unknown is the scariest part of having NF, but he does not plan on letting it stop him from reaching for his goals though.

AJ is a sweet, kind hearted boy with an old soul, yet he has boundless amounts of energy. He is a friend to everyone he meets. His teachers, the school nurse, his friends, and his family all love him so much. AJ has had many sedated MRIs, surgeries, and specialty doctor appointments. He takes it all like a champ. He is so brave, even when he doesn’t want to be. AJ amazes me daily because he never gives up.

AJ is in the 6th grade and he plays percussion in the band at school. He loves hanging out with his friends, playing video games, building things with Legos, and reading mysteries. AJ is full of spunk, bravery, and a “never give up when things get tough” attitude. When he grows up, he says he wants to be a Zookeeper. He has a heart for animals, big and small.

-AJ’s mom Alyssa



Hobby Legos, reading, and playing video games

Motto Always be kind to people, it could make their day better

Superpower Invisibility