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Stories of NF: Fernando H

By December 29, 2022January 30th, 2024Awareness, NF1, Story of NF

I first knew about my NF1 diagnosis when I was seven years old. I had asked my mom why I had these spots on my body and this giant spot on my head, and she had explained that I have a very special condition that most people do not have.

For the most part it has not had that much of an impact because of me staying in sports throughout my whole life. My doctors have told me that has kept my NF1 under control.

I’m from Dallas, Texas, born and raised. I do photography as a side business and I love to drive downtown late at night.

What really helps me stay motivated is to live a normal life. NF may be something I have forever but it doesn’t have to define who I am. Although, there may be some out there who can’t live a normal lifestyle, I make sure I do so I can teach others like me that anything is possible and to not lose hope.


“It is better to give than to receive”

Dream Vacation



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