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Stories of NF: Howard

By February 23, 2023December 4th, 2023Awareness, NF1, Story of NF

Howard was diagnosed when he was about two years old, through a CT scan, because he had a lump behind his left ear that doctors often mistook as a lymph. If I’m not mistaken his NF was plexiform neurofibroma. As his parents, both of us do not have that, so the doctor said he created his own.

The moment we knew about this it was very shocking. Wondering why him? Why us? The genetic doctor advised us as parents to also be concerned and aware of his social life, and educate him about his condition and how to react, just in case if gets bullied for his appearance.

So far, we have been visiting a brain and neck doctor in Singapore to check his lump through MRI, every two-to-three years. Howard can do activities like normal boys, and his school performance has also not been bad. Howard is currently in seventh grade and he likes to play soccer. But as he grows, the lump is growing as well and showing on his left jaw/cheek, so his face doesn’t look symmetrical.

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Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye

Dream Superpower
Super speed

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