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Federal Funding Update 3/4/13

By March 1, 2013December 5th, 2023Advocacy, Awareness

Update 3/4/13

This afternoon House Republicans announced a plan to vote next week on a funding bill that would restore the cuts imposed by the sequester. The original defense appropriations bill passed by the House earlier this fiscal year included $15 million for the CDMRP-NFRP.  While the bill would still need to be voted on by the Senate, this is promising news for NF research.


Update from 3/1/13

There is not much more to write than what I wrote on our Advocacy page, but I wanted to post to confirm that our decision to delay launching our email campaign encouraging supporters to contact their Representatives and Senators was made with careful thought and planning.

The atmosphere in DC is as bad as it has ever been, and that is saying alot.  The  sequester was designed along the lines of the MAD (mutually assured destruction) strategy of nuclear arms.  With sequester effective today, the cuts will be kicking in over the coming months, and it is likely the CDMRP will be severely impacted, if not completely zeroed out for FY 12.  More to come as the situation changes.
