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Volunteer Leadership Council Awards Luncheon

By July 8, 2016December 5th, 2023Awareness, Ways to Give

During the 2016 Volunteer Leadership Council meeting in Austin, TX, outstanding volunteers were given “superhero” awards for their continued service to the Children’s Tumor Foundation. The highlight of the ceremony was the presentation of the Volunteer of the Year Award. Annette Bakker, PhD, President and Chief Scientific Officer of the Children’s Tumor Foundation, recognized Renie Moss of Birmingham, Alabama as CTF’s Volunteer of the Year.

RENIE MOSS – Volunteer of the Year- CAPTAIN MARVEL

The volunteer who demonstrates: the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury, in her dedication to the NF cause and to CTF specifically. Her service includes endless hours of donated time, selfless use of personal resources and talents, and inspirational leadership to many others. Her efforts are indicative of her passion for the cause without reservation and without compensation. She is a force to be reckoned with.

“There are so many great things to say about Renie Moss…she has a true gift for public speaking, and puts NF families at ease with her kind and gentle demeanor. She is an all star when it comes to advocacy and lives her whole life to spread NF awareness. Renie does all this in honor of her with three family members with NF and we are grateful she takes time out of her busy life to share her many talents with us.“
– Annette Bakker, President and Chief Scientific Officer

Other awards presented for outstanding volunteer service:

  • Newbie- STORM Award – Jessica Samblanet
  • Length of Service- PHANTOM AWARD – Shelley Pesta
  • Resiliency – MISTER FANTASTIC – Anita Gribben
  • Walk Chair- GREEN LANTERN – Christy Wheaton
  • NFE Superstar- IRON MAN AWARD – Dawn Lowell
  • Regional Development Event – GHOST RIDER AWARD – Blythe Leva
  • Advocacy- ARDENT ADVOCATE – Connie Sorman
  • Awareness Ace- XMEN AWARD – Shaun Neppl
  • Top Fundraising Event- COMICON AWARD- Laura Perfetti, Cristina Spoto, Jill Hannity and Lisa Arena